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Grow, manage, and monetize your IP Portfolio with singular clarity.

Our tech-powered, expert-led approach brings unparalleled efficiency and capacity to Intellectual Property Management.

Join 100+ global companies and law firms

Clairvolex offers a hybrid portfolio of tech-enabled Intellectual Property Services and market-leading IP software solutions.

We bring unparalleled clarity, efficiency, and capacity to IP portfolio management, freeing IP professionals to focus more of their attention where it should be - enhancing the value of Patent Portfolios.

We offer customers flexibility and targeted support through a blended portfolio of AI software and managed Intellectual Property Services.

Our depth of experience delivering Intellectual Property Services grants us an unusual level of insight into how to leverage AI/ML technology to augment, accelerate, or automate critical aspects of IP Management processes.

Our Products & Services

Clairvolex IP

Tech-enabled Intellectual Property Services across Patent Portfolio Development, Patent Prosecution, and Patent Analysis and Monetization - offered in a nimble, expert-led delivery model and powered by our proprietary software technologies.

Patent Portfolio Development

Patent Application Drafting and Office Action Response Drafting ready for filing with USPTO, EPO, PCT, or any English language jurisdiction.

Learn More About Patent Portfolio Development

IP Paralegal Services

Flexible IP Paralegal Services for customizable support across US and worldwide Patent Prosecution and Management.

Learn More About IP Paralegal Services

Patent Search, Analysis, and Monetization

Prior Art and Novelty Searches to support Patent Development activities. Patent Licensing and Monetization services including evidence of use analysis, claim charts, invalidation searches and comprehensive licensing packages.

Learn More About Patent Search, Analysis, and Monetization

Clairvolex IP
Software Suite

Software solutions developed through deep Intellectual Property expertise, purpose-built to augment the IP practice, save time through automation of cumbersome patent paralegal tasks, and surface insights to enhance patent portfolio value.

Explore All Products

Clair Response Drafter

AI-enabled SaaS product for efficient drafting of US Office Action Responses - from research, to strategy, to drafting - in a single streamlined solution with a user-friendly interface.

Learn More About Clair Response Drafter

Clair Docket Assist

The most advanced tech solution for IP Docketing Specialists, making docketing less cumbersome and risk-mitigated.

Learn More About Clair Docket Assist

Clair IDS

Fully automated software solution for US IDS preparation with highest accuracy.

Learn More About Clair IDS

Clair Insights

AI-ML powered Analytics software that provides actionable intelligence that enables strategic patent prosecution and enhances portfolio value.

Learn More About Clair Insights
Clairvolex has been offering patent prosecution support to Philips for a few years. We are very appreciative of their solutions.”

Reinoud Mangelmans

Head, Intellectual Property & Standards, Philips

What Sets Us Apart

Practical Vision

Clairvolex elevates the practices and technologies of IP Management, augmenting the capabilities and capacity of IP professionals, and offering businesses the clarity to pursue smarter growth strategies and realize the value of their innovations.

Proven Experience

Our depth of subject matter expertise and experience navigating the complexities of IP Management lend us the credibility to act as leaders in the space. Our work speaks for itself.

Contact us

Realize the untapped potential of intellectual property to grow value for your business.

Connect with us to discuss how Clairvolex can help enhance the value of your IP Portfolio.

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Contact us

Realize the untapped potential of intellectual property to grow value for your business.

Connect with us to discuss how Clairvolex can help enhance the value of your IP Portfolio.

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